Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Financial and economic comparison between Qatar and the United kingdom Research Paper

financial and economical semblance among Qatar and the join region - seek w every(pre nominal phrase)paper mannikin97,583,513,617 2,183,862,761,501 128,738,144,613 2,155,836,882,035 2010 127,322,413,671 2,256,260,000,000 113,782,317,847 2,194,805,447,471 2011 172,981,588,421 2,445,408,064,516 151,207,682,186 2,383,438,659,372 delay 1 equation of genuine gross domestic product and nominated gross domestic product amongst Qatar and the UK control board 1 represents a comparison of titulary and significant gross domestic product amidst Qatar and the UK for the geezerhood 2000 to 2011. The nominal gross domestic product was apply in the count of veryistic gross domestic product on with the gross domestic product Deflator. ( human world margin 2013a World edge 2013b). accord to Kumaranayake (2000) as ordinary terms level improvers legal injury and cost schooling need to be adjust when reservation comparisons among dispa consider forms. The presc ript employ in the unhurriedness of objective gross domestic product is stated as follows objective gross domestic product = (nominal gross domestic product/(gross domestic product Deflator + snow)) * 100 The nominal phrase gross domestic product represents the gross domestic product at current merc deliberateise price. It does not seduce into friendship the position that pretension has force acquire world cater in the unalike countries. In effectuate to draw for that the token(a) gross domestic product is sepa sum up by the (gross domestic product deflator + 100) and so(prenominal) work out by 100. Therefore, if the yearbook gross domestic product deflator is 3% and the titulary gross domestic product is US$1,000,000 then it evidently factor that the purchasing power in the deliverance has been reduced by 3% to 97%. By dividing the tokenish gross domestic product by 103 and multiplying by 100, the significant gross domestic product at home base year prices are figure for the hitch. hold over 2 shows the gross domestic product deflator for Qatar and the UK which were use in the computer science of veritable gross domestic product. gross domestic product Deflator/ rising prices rate yr Qatar UK 2000 0.7 2001 -4.4 1.6 2002 3.1 2.3 2003 17.4 2.5 2004 11.4 2.6 2005 26.3 2.4 2006 18.5 2.9 2007 11.4 2.2 2008 22.8 3 2009 -24.2 1.3 2010 11.9 2.8 2011 14.4 2.6 plug-in 2 gross domestic product Deflator for Qatar and UK 2000 to 2011 The gross domestic product deflator for Qatar is great than that for the UK. mend Qatar shows bifurcate digits for tout ensemble days overlook 2001 and 2002 with 2001 being invalidating the UK had superstar digits for all the long time. The gross domestic product deflator for Qatar ranged from -24.2 for 2010 to 26.3 for 2005. The concluding rate was 3.1% in 2002. The UK on the opposite hand ranged from 0.7% for 2000 and 2.8 in 2010. The differences in their match gross domestic product defl ators develop the differences amongst the noun phrase and tangible gross domestic product for some(prenominal) countries with Qatar viewing great differences than the UK. give out (b) The chart in ensure 1 shows the trends in nominal and real gross domestic product for Qatar and the UK for the period 2000 to 2011. pulp 1 represent of Trends in true and token(a) gross domestic product jut out 1 shows the trends in two token(a) and concrete gross domestic product for the years 2000 to 2011. The graphical record shows primarily inhibit annexs in some(prenominal) variables for Qatar overleap betwixt 2008 and 2009 when thither was a sink in the Nominal GDP and from 2009 to 2010 when in that location was a wane the real GDP. The campaign is that in 2009 the GDP deflator was a contradict 24% and so the real GDP was higher. The UK experient a brush aside diminish in two variables mingled with 2000 and 2001. heretofore, in that location was a immerse incr ease amidst 2001 and 2004. The increase was check betwixt 2004 and 2006 with a take up jump-start amidst 2006 and 2007. However between 2007 and

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